Belonging E-Book-cover

BELONGING: All Four Parts


    • Identity is part of the long arch of human evolution and has played a key part in our survival. Our identity is made up of an amalgam of things, including our race, religion, upbringing, language, education, gender, and much more.
    • Agency is defined as “the capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices.” It is a vital part of the human need for free will.
    • Power is described as “the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events.” Whether we realize it or not, every relationship has power dynamics. 
  • FLOW
    • Flow (also known as being “in the zone”) “is the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity.” Flow is the transformative state of work that is intrinsically rewarding.


Yes, I need to know more about Belonging


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Who are you at work? If you’ve never asked yourself that question, you likely are part of a privileged minority that hasn’t felt like they don’t belong at work. When was the last time you’ve been in flow state in any aspect of your life?

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When we start a job, one of the first things we figure out is who we can be honest with and who we can ask questions to. Ideally, the answer is everyone, but that is not the reality of most workplaces–at least those with more than two people! 

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Power dynamics are rarely directly addressed in the workplace. There’s a tendency to not talk about power in the workplace, but we all know it’s there. Use text and images to tell your company's story. Explain what makes your product or service extraordinary.